AFD Postcode Lookup
If you enter a lot of addresses in your business, AFD Postcode Lookup could save your business lots of time.
What Is AFD Postcode Lookup?
AFD Software offer a few services, but the one we are interested in here is their address look up software.
Essentially it is a database of every address in the UK.
This can be used to look up the addresses of customers having goods delivered, joining a loyalty card scheme or any other scenario involving capturing home addresses.
At any point using Open Retail Solutions software where you are required to enter an address e.g. delivery address, account customer address, loyalty card holders address, you would usually have to enter all the data , street name, village / town, county etc.
With AFD Postcode Lookup, just the house number or name and post code is required, the rest is filled in automatically.
If you enter a lot of addresses you will recoup the cost in savings across your business in a short period of time.
Visit the AFD website to get a price for the software, we charge a small fee for the setup and support.
AFD Integration Benefits
- Reduce Human Error – Less typing means less room for errors.
- Speed – Less data entry at the till means shorter queues.
- Legible – No more unreadable written delivery notes.
- Delivery note lost? No problem, just reprint it.
- Quarterly Updates – New houses get added every 3 months.
- UK Wide – Includes all UK postal addresses.