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EPoS Ecommerce Integration

EPoS Ecommerce Integration is a hot topic as bricks and mortar businesses expand their customer base. Our solution is simple and works with the most popular Ecommerce platforms.

What Is EPoS Ecommerce Integration?

How Does It Work?

How Much Maintenance Is There?

EPoS Ecommerce Integration is where a businesses EPoS system and ecommerce website are exchanging information and working together.

This can take many forms and isn’t as simple as it may first seem.

Our solution works like this.

Products have to be created on our system and then linked to products already created on your website.

This can be streamlined to some degree using Excel to import and export product details.

But there is no way of automatically auto populating your website database.

This is because ecommerce sites need more information than we store against a product e.g. multiple images.

While setting up the product linking you can choose what you want to automatically update.

Stock figures and retail price changes happening throughout the day can be automatically sent to the website.

This is done via FTP or SFPT.

It works using XML files. If your ecommerce platform can import XML files, we should be able to integrate with it.

You will need to consult your website developer.

Benefits Of EPoS Ecommerce Integration

Which Ecommerce Platforms Do You Integrate With?

Which Should I Pick?

We are constantly reviewing which platforms we can integrate with based on a number of factors.

Platforms fall in and out of favour as technology progresses and we follow those trends to reflect the requirements of our customers.

At the time of writing, the supported platforms are Shopify and WooCommerce.

From our point of view, there is no difference in cost or time to set it up, so we have no preference.

Every business is unique with different requirements, and you should choose the platform which is going to work best for you.

Your web designer can help you make this decision, but beware of them choosing one based on the limitation of their own knowledge rather than what is best for you.

Ecommerce Platforms We Integrate With

Shopify Partner Logo