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How to keep your EPoS equipment clean during Coronavirus

How to keep your EPoS equipment clean – Manufacturer advice for cleaning your POS equipment during during Coronavirus.

Wiping with 75% alcohol on the aluminium chassis, plastics covers and display is effective to clean these surfaces with no problems to the POS materials.

We recommend you use the following method:

  • Turn off your POS system & Credit Card Terminal completely, including peripherals’ power, and unplug the power cables if possible.
  • Get your cleaning material, such as lint-free cloth or cotton swab, prepared with cleaning solutions (e.g. 75% isopropyl alcohol).
  • DO NOT use any cleaning solutions that contains Acetone, Nitric acid or Ammonia.
  • Apply cleaning solution only on the cleaning material.
  • Gently wipe the exterior surface and clean your POS system & Pin Pad in a well ventilated environment.

Thank you for reading How to keep your EPoS equipment clean.

We hope this helps.